Siofok picture gallery

Siofok picture gallery

Siofok is the most popular city next to Lake Balaton.
Siofok is interesting, there are some surprising things there as well. According to a proverb picture can tell more than a thousand words. Click on the pictures to see in better detail.


Boating is popular in the lake

siofok-picture-gallery-2Kids can play in this shallow water. In front of Mala garden there is a fine sand, but rocky in most other places.

siofok-picture-gallery-3Willow trees are very common along the shoreline

siofok-picture-gallery-4One of the newer Hotels.

Swan portrait, there are dozens of them at the shore

There is Golden, Silver beaches. Not so different though, as you may think.

Magical sunsets

Restaurant with an interesting look, the famous hungarian “csarda”
siofok-picture-gallery-9There are many very nice apartments here

Töreky lakes natural protection area – there is a path next to a Spring which leads to the lakes

siofok-picture-gallery-13The only paid beach in Siofok the Nagystrand or Big beach

siofok-picture-gallery-10Boat in the distance with a fisherman

siofok-picture-gallery-12Flowers in the balconies, even in Autumn

siofok-picture-gallery-14There is a lot of possibilities to play with sunsets

siofok-picture-gallery-15One of the temples in the city

siofok-picture-gallery-16The water is greenish, if we see it from a distance

siofok-picture-gallery-17Grass stones and the hills of the Northern shore

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siofok-picture-gallery-18Tipical street in the resort area

siofok-picture-gallery-19Fun water vehicles to rent

siofok-picture-gallery-21There is a restaurant at almost every street corner near the shore

siofok-picture-gallery-22Swallows flying around the building






siofok-picture-gallery-20Swans in the water before sunset

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siofok-picture-gallery-6One of the older Hotels

 Posted by at 6:32 am