Lakitelek Hungary
Lakitelek Hungary
Click to see in 1156 pixel size – Lakitelek Tisza backwater in March, this is not usual now even hard to see this in winter
Lakitelek is another very enjoyable place in Hungary. It is located in East Hungary, not far from the River Tisza Hungary’s second biggest river. Lakitelek is located in the Great Plain in Hungary, but there are some minor bumps here, which makes the area more interesting as the pine trees. Significant areas belong to the Kiskunsag National Park. The protected natural area is 393 hectare.
It is not a mainstream tourist target with many huge hotels, bath complex as Budapest or some other cities. It is a small city, with not so much man-made luxury, but has a beautiful nature, and enjoyable atmosphere.
Lakitelek Szikra Tőserdő Tisza backwater
The Tisza river has many beautiful picturesque backwaters in East Hungary. The one is Lakitelek is one of them. The areas of this lake is app. 68 hectare. The length of this lake is more than 8 km. It is very popular among fishermen. There is an another backwater there as well the 10km long Alpar backwater app the same size but that one is mostly visited by fisherman. Both backwater can be underwater in case of bigger Tisza floods, such as the Tiszaalpar meadow area.
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Lakitelek Tősfürdő Bath
The summer bath is located next to the Tisza backwater in very nice surrounding. There is a camping there as well. There are 6 pools, 3 thermale, a swimmingpool, a children’s pool, and a smaller splash pool can be found in the complex.
Lakitelek Tőserdő Adventure park
Equitas camping and horse-riding place
Horse riding is possible here and several other places nearby. This part of the country is packed with equestrian places for horse lovers.
Things to do and see nearby
The small hill at Tiszaalpár with the Temple
It is worth to see the small hill at Tiszaalpár, where there is a good view on the neighboring areas. It is an interesting village to look around. Also the similar backwater at Tiszaalpár is interesting for the nature lovers and fishermen alike. Birders also can find many interesting birds in the neighborhood.
There are two very nice arboretums not very far at Szarvas and one at Tiszakürt. At Cserkeszőlő there is a bigger spa complex, with thermal water in winter as well.
The main city of this area is Kecskemét with app 100,000 inhabitants, and several museums, newly built spa complex and interesting buildings. It is located app 25 km from Lakitelek.