Swimming through the Lake Balaton
Swimming through the Lake Balaton
The swimming through the lake Balaton usually starts at Revfülöp at the North shore and ends at Balatonboglar. This is quite a nice event, the gathering is at the Revfulop soccer field usually. It takes hours that everybody gets into the water. Along the way there are boats all along at both sides at every 50m where the swimmers go. It is usually held in July. The distance is 5.2km / 3.23 miles.
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Date in 2015/2016: 2015 Július 4./2nd of July 2016. can change due to weater conditions
Participation fee: 7000 HUF / who was born later than 2001 3000 HUF. (in 2014)
The date can change due to weather conditions. The distance is 5.2 km or 3.3 miles, which the fastest can finish in 1 hour. Before start there is medical check and shower.
If somebody gets tired can climb up the boats all along the way.
The participants goes to the water during long hours (8-14h).
Drinking alcohol is forbidden, the younger ones under age 14 only can swim together with adults.
Nice green at the distance and everthing gleaming.
In sunny weather some clothes on the head is strongly recomended. Medical check paper is necessary (not older than 1 month), other way there is a doctor at the place, but in this case must wait.
The neighborhood at Révfülöpön
The neighborhood is quite nice with an alley, waterbirds, natural looking area.
Plane trees with a bicycle road in the middle.