Tokaj Hungary
Tokaj winemaking area
Street in Tokaj
River Bodrog at Tokaj
Location of Tokaj
Tokaj is a very nice place in North Eastern Hungary. Although the City is not big(has about 5000 inhabitants) situated next to the joining of River Tisza and River Bodrog, at the bottom of the Tokaj hills. Bigger cities find 33km from here (Nyiregyhaza). Although the City and the area has a worldwide fame, and favourite place for lots of people, this area is not very crowded in Hungary. Perhaps this helps to protect the unique natural values of this area. Somewhere can be see the impact of the Worldwide economical crisis, but Tokaj is a very enjoyable place. The rivers and small hills gives a good diversity for the region.
Tokaj is a World Heritage site
The area is a World Heritage site because of it’s wine region’s unique character. Here at the bottom of the North Eastern hills of Hungary a special humid micro climate helps to grow the unique Aszu wine only produced in this region of the Word. This sweet dessert wine has a gold colour and special taste. The French King Louis the XIVth had said about this wine: vinum regum, rex vinorum, meaning the wine of the Kings, the King of wines. Naturally the sentences was in French language: C’est le roi des vins et le vin des rois. This note in latin languages still can be seen on the Aszu battles. There are different types Aszu wines available:it is noted on the battles: 3dorsal to 6 dorsal. For me the 3 dorsal Aszu wine is perfect already.
Most people first idea about Tokaj is the wines produced here. But a lot more can be seen here: Here meets the river Bodrog with a river Tisza in a bend next to the city. Perhaps these rivers helps to the grapes to have this special flavour. In Tokaj no red wine are produced, this was prohibited in the 18th century and still prohibited today. No grapes can be transported to this area from elsewhere. This doesn’t mean that cannot buy a red wine in the city: red wines are available produced in Eger wine region for example. Tokaj is a very good value touristic destination in Hungary: the area is a little bit far from Budapest and not the most popular, this way the prices are not high. The natural values in the region are exceptional: fish visibly abound in the rivers next to the city, lots of butterflies, dragonflies, and birds can be seen here. The rivers gives home to many water sports funs, and popular target of Canoe tours from Tokai to Sarospatak. Formerly a stronghold has been here, today not a lot remained from there. A nice new beach has been established in the river Tisza for bath lovers at the opposite side of the river as the city, in hot summer time the refreshing water is a welcome visitor. Wine cellars covered with black fungicid, and a good adventure to see and hear how they produce the famous wines.
River Tisza at Tokaj
Beach at River Tisza at Tokaj.
This beach one of the finest in Hungary regarding scenery and uniqueness. The beach has a huge area, nice covered restaurant, ping pong tables, showers, Wc’s can be found there. The beach is opposite site as the main part of the city. At above picture can be seen the bridge to cross towards the main city area. It can be considered that the beach is in River Tisza, meaning only hot summer period is enjoyable for usual swimmers. The River has not strong flow here. The area for bathing is appointed by buoys.
Nice comfortable chairs at the open air restaurant of the beach
Wildlife at Tokaj:
the territory seems very natural without significant artificial intervention. The river Bodrog is a fantastical place for nature and water sport lovers. The river Tisza parts I suppose also very nice, but I didn’t spend so much time there.
Dragonfly at river Bodrog
Kingfisher at the tree next to the riverbank
The small fishes are easily can be seen in the River. Bigger fishes are also apparent, even on a beach at Tisza river.
Program possibilities at Tokaj:
Canoeing at River Bodrog (must not miss, a day or at least several hours needed) canoe can be rented 2km from the Bridge at Bodrog direction, right side from crossing the bridge at the side of the City, or at Tutajos beach at Tisza river(see below) must turn right before crossing the bridge and go until the end of the road, visiting a wine cellar(most famous is Rakoczi cellar in the walking street right side from the bridge after crossing.) Fishing, there is a separate fishing lake as well. In summertime go to Tutajos beach for bathing and swimming.
Program possibilities nearby:
Nyiregyhaza Sosto bath, Nyiregyhaza Zoo, visit wine cellars in the Region, fishing at Fishing lake in Tokaj, fishing at Lake Tisza and Bodrog, hiking in Zemplen hills, visit temple ruin at Regec, Monok, Satoraljaujhely, Zemplen (Slovakian area), Szerencs Rakoczi castle and Chocolate factory, Boldogkovaralja castle, Sarospatak Castle
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