Tokaji Aszu
Tokaji Aszu
The Tokaji Aszu is a famous Hungarian dessert wine. Seems first Tokaji Aszu wines had been produced around 1560-70. The Aszu name refers to a noble rot grows only in this humid environment, and makes some of the grapes special. Aszu name also means the Aszu grapes and the process as well as the noble rot. There are different types of Tokaji Aszu wines, depending how much dorsal Aszu grapes they put in to the 136 liter Gonczi runlet. One dorsal is about 22-25 liter. The other parts of the runlet is filled with new or old non-Aszu wines. So this separates Aszu wines: from 3 to 6 dorsal Aszu wine. The more dorsal wines are more sweater. According to today’s classification the 3 dorsal Aszu must have 60g/l sugar in it, after 30g/l extra for each extra dorsal, meaning the 6 dorsal Aszu must have 150g/l sugar in it. The wine with 3 dorsal is already very nice. In older times there were “true” Aszu wines makes from only Aszu grapes. The liquid comes from the Aszu dorsal under it’s own weight called Aszu essence, it has at least 250g/l sugar in it but can be 400-500g/l sugar as well. It is a fantastic non-alcoholic drink, but little expensive for frequent drinking. The Aszu wine has a typical golden colour and sweet taste. Little similar than to eat honey, the liquid has a special character. Perhaps the rivers joining below Tokaj makes the Tokaj environment humid which helps to grow this special fungicid. The name of the noble rot is botrytis cinerea. The Aszu wine is only produced in this region of the World. Peter the Great of Russia likes so much this wine that he ordered 200 runlets, which was delivered in 1714 through complicated routes to St Petersburg. Luis the 14th also like the wine and said the famous sentence: C’est le roi des vins et le vin des rois. The king of wines, wine of the kings.
See the article about Tokaj region here