Pecs Hungary
Pecs Hungary
Pecs Hungary
Location – Pecs Hungary
Pecs located in South-Transdanubia at the South part of Hungary. Pecs situated between the Mecsek hills and Transdanubian smaller hills in picturesque surrounding.
How to get there ? Pecs Hungary
From Budapest all the way on road No 6.
Pecs history – Pecs Hungary
The city has an abundant history. There was a city at this place even in Roman times, called Sopianae. After the Turks occupied the city in 1540. Several buildings shows the Turkish heritage in the city. The Turks constructed baths, minarets, and other kinds of buildings in Pecs. Some of this buildings still can be seen here.
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Main attractions – Pecs Hungary
The city has a little mediterranean feeling. Main attractions are the rich cultural and historical heritage of the city, nice natural surrounding, a nice zoo on the hill. In Pecs there are some of the most interesting exhibitions of Hungarian artists, such as Victor Vasarely, Amerigo Tot and Tivadar Kosztka Csontvary. Tivadar Kosztka Csontvary was a pharmacist, when he decided to be a painter. He died in poverty. Now a Csontvary painting costs a huge money, one can buy a big farm from that sum. Some very beautiful area can be found near Pecs. In 2010 Pecs was a capital of European union together with.
Ancient Cristian Tombs Unesco World Heritage site
In the Roman times the city built here was called Sopianae. In the beginning it was a smaller settlement, but after became bigger and was a center of the area called Valeria which was a part of the Pannonia provincia (area of Hungary).
The tombs can be found in the side of the city at the South side of the Mecsek hills is from the 4th century. Apart from Italian tombs the Pecs site is the most important archeological finding regarding Cristian tombs. There are many tombs even two level tombs included. The upper level was used as a temple. The first tomb was found in the yard of the high school in the beginning of the 18th century. They find 18 burial tombs totally, and many other tombs not in buildings. They brought thousands of roman era objects to the surface.
Names of the tombs – Pecs Hungary
I-XX. with roman numbers
I. Peter Paul tomb
II. tomb
III. tomb
IV. tomb
V. tomb
VI. tomb
VII. tomb
VIII. tomb
IX. tomb
X. tomb
Cella Trichora
Cella Septichora
Ancient Christian Mausoleum
Apaca street. 14. building
Apaca street. 8. (Baranya Megyei Könyvtár udvara)
XVII–XVIII. cementary building
XX. building
What is interesting in this tombs how well some of the details preserved during this long period. There are paintings on the wall and the ceilings. One of the tombs has octogonal layout. Check before visit these buildings are not always open to the public.
Turkish Heritage sites – Pecs Hungary
The Most Turkish era heritage can be found perhaps in Pecs in Hungary.
There are only 4 places remain Mosques in Hungary: In Pecs, in Szigetvar, in Eger and in Erd. It is specially interesting because according to Turkish historians there were around 80 Mosques only in Buda (West Budapest) at that time. Out of the four remaining Mosques the one in Pecs is the biggest. It was the Mosque of Gazi Kaszim pasha. It was built around 1579, from the stones of the former temple. The height of the Mosque is 22m and the dome diameter is 16,5m. Now it is functioning as a Catholic temple. There is an another Mosque in Pecs the Jakovali Haszan Pasha Mosque which is the best shape remaining Mosque in Hungary. There is a ruin of the Turkish bath in Pecs: Memi Pasha bath in the inner city. There are several Turkish wells as well in Pecs.
Pecs zoo – Pecs Hungary
The Pecs zoo can be found in the hill in nice natural surrounding. There are many interesting animal can be found there including Tiger, Hippopotamus and many others.
Address:7621 Pecs, Angyan J u (street)
Tel: +36 72/312-788
7621 Pecs, Munkacsy M u. 31
Tel:+36 72 532-151
New information:
Seems the zoo is closed until 2015 May 5, the Aquarium Terrarium is open, and situated in the Middle age cellar system under the city. There are 27-28 degree Celsius in all year, and there are 138 different species can be found there all kinds of fishes, crocodiles and huge snakes included. At the yard of the Terrarium, Tortugas, Parrots and Monkeys can be seen, and here is the night house as well, where night animals can be observed.
Opening hours for the Terrarium: 9-18h or 9-17h depending on the season.
Zsolnay porcelain factory – Pecs Hungary
Zsolnay is a famous porcelain factory in Hungary. They have truly beautiful products.
Zsolnay stores: Zsolnay Márkabolt Pécs 7621 Pécs, Jókai tér 2. Telefon: 0672310220 E-mail: open: m-f 9:00-17:00, sat 9:00-13:00, Sunday closed |
Zsolnay Márkabolt Pécs 7630 Pécs, Zsolnay Vilmos utca 37. Telefon: 0672510800 E-mail: open: m-f 9:00-17:00, sat 9:00-13:00, Sunday closed |
Zsolnay Art Zsolnay Kulturális Negyed É18 épület 7630 Pécs, Zsolnay Vilmos utca 37. Tel: 0672510801 E-mail: Open: tuesday-sat 08:00-16:00, Sunday closed
Post palace – Pecs Hungary
The Post Palace is one of the most beatiful building in Pecs.
Zsolnay well – Pecs Hungary
The Zsolnay well can be found in the main square near the Mosque.
Museums – Pecs Hungary
Vasarely museum
7621 Pecs Kaptalan 3
Telephone:+36 30 873-0129
Opening hours: 10:18 Closed on Mondays
Csontvary museum
(one of the most famous Hungarian painter)
7621 Pecs Janus pannonius 11
Telephone:+36 72 310-544
Ancient christian tombs
Cella Septichora
Unesco World Heritage site from the
4th century probably can be visited from March 2014
7621 Pecs Apaca 8,14
Telephone:+36 72 224-755
Zsolnay porcelain exhibition
7621 Pecs Kaptalan 2
Telephone:+36 72 324-822
Amerigo tot museum
7621 Pecs Janus Kaptalan 2
Telephone:+36 72 514-040
Retro museum
7621 Pecs Kiraly 10
Telephone:+36 70 953-9637
Restaurants, wine houses in Pecs
Best restaurants in Pecs:
Tettye restaurant
Palatinus restaurant
Elefantos restaurant and pizzeria
Susogo wine restaurant
Art and fit hotel Kikelet
Maestro pizzeria
Pezsgohaz restaurant
Szent Gyorgy restaurant
Rundo restaurant
Bohemia restaurant
Things to do and see nearby
Orfu lake, Mecsek hills, Abaliget cave
Archeological museum
7621 Pecs Szechenyi 12
Telephone:+36 72 312-719
Mine exhibition
7621 Pecs Kaptalan 3
Telephone:+36 99 312-667
Ferenc Martyn museum
7621 Pecs Kaptalan 4
Telephone:+36 30 873-8116
Endre Nemes museum
7621 Pecs Kaptalan 5
Telephone:+36 72 310-172
Renaissance stone exhibition
7621 Pecs Kaptalan 4
Telephone:+36 72 312-719
Museum of natural history
7621 Pecs Szabadsag 2
Telephone:+36 72 213-419