Szeged Hungary – Attractions Aquapolis Dragon boat Hotels
Szeged Hungary
Szeged Hungary
Here I collected every information you needed as a tourist: Main attractions, restaurants, hotels, lakes, rivers, zip code, map, sports, history, everything you curious about.
Szeged is an interesting city in Hungary, Szeged is a bigger sized city in Hungarian measures, otherwise not big at all, with approximately 170 000 inhabitants. Szeged is a city of sunshine, a very enjoyable place, with nice atmosphere, Szeged has a sub-mediterranean climate. Szeged is a vibrant city for several reasons:
1. Lots of students mingle in the streets of the inner city
2. The city with it’s huge trees and nice River bank has a pleasant atmosphere.
3. Szeged has a very nice inner city with beautiful buildings, and lovely atmosphere.
4. Szeged is near to the city border, and very close to Serbia and Romania.
Szeged is divided into two main parts by the river Tisza. Between the two riverbank there is a bridge which connects the two parts of the city together.
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Szeged can be found where river Tisza and River Maros meets at the Southeast part of Hungary.
Szeged is approximately 170km from Budapest in South-east direction.
Szeged map
How to get there ?
From Budapest M5 goes at Szeged direction.
One of the big event in Szeged’s history was the big flood in 1879. The flood nearly destroyed the whole city.
Main attractions of Szeged
Szeged has a Paprika and Pick salami museum. Szeged has the biggest zoo in Hungary. Szeged has a nice mediterrain atmoshphere. The number of sunshiny hours are here the most in Hungary. Szeged has the River Tisza, the second biggest river in Hungary and River Maros joins the River Tisza in the city. Szeged also has a Maros backwater in the city, and Szeged has a very nice botanical garden too. At the North part of the city there are several fishing lakes which are very important in natural point of view: In Fall thousands of migrating cranes sleep in this lakes. Szeged also has an international kayak-canoe course at the Southwest part of the city.
Szeged inner city vicinity of Dom square
Szeged has a very nice inner city with historical buildings, huge trees, and comfortable spaces. The River Tisza is not far from the city center. At the inner city, very nice icecream can be bought. The city has a very nice atmosphere, not crowded or noisy.
Szeged Hungary-paprika museum
The paprika museum can be found near the bank of Lake Tisza. The best quality paprika one can find in Hungary is produced in Szeged.
Szeged Zoo they called Vadaspark
Szeged zoo is the biggest zoo in Hungary. The zoo situated in nice natural surrounding at the side of the city. Lots of animals can be seen here: lions, cheetah, snow leopard, leopard, tapir, giraffe and many others.
Aquapolis Szeged
Szeged has a newly build thermal/adventure bath complex. The Bath called Aquapolis. In Hungarian they call it Sunshine bath. There are lots of fancy things can be found there, several slides, lazy river, 25m swimming pool, quiet part of the bath for people prefer relaxation without the noise of the children (only people above 16 year can enter to this part of the complex). For the kids there is a lot to experience they call the different slides in different names, like onion-slide, anaconda, kamikaze. There are totally 1km of slides functioning during the whole year.
Maty er Kayak-Canoe track or Szeged Olympic centrum
In Szeged there is a professional water sport (kayak-canoe-dragonboat-rowing etc) track, the track is 2.5km long, 130m wide, and convenient for organising even the highest quality international kayak-canoe championships. They claim it is one of the best location in the whole word for such events. Apart from Kayak-Canoe many other sports also welcomed here: long distance swimming, dragonboat, triatlon, duatlon, rowing, bycicle, fishing, water-ski, roller skate.
Szeged botanical garden
Szeged has a very nice botanical garden. The botanical garden are the not usual side of the River Tisza, opposite compare to the Paprika museum and the inner city.
Lake Feher (Fehér tó in Hungarian, White lake)
The Lake Feher is a unique natural value of Hungary. In reality it is not one lake, but seneral lakes. Earlier it was a salty lake, this is why called Feher (White), afterwards it became a fishing lake. There are many lakes called this way in Hungary. Every Autumn several thousand migrating cranes are sleeping in the Lake’s shallow water. They organize trips for seeing the cranes arriving in the lake. At the lake a permanent ornithological camp can be found.(At Sandorfalva, little bit further, from Szeged). Near the Lake a very good Restaurant can be found specialized for fishes, but there are also lots of other special Hungarian foods available. (Halászcsárda in Hungarian).
Festivals in Szeged
-5-7th of September 2014, River Tisza international fish festival
-17-21th of September 2014 Wine festival
-23-27th of September 2014 St Gellert festival
-7-8 November Szeged jazz days
-25th of November 24th of December advent in Dom square
17-22th December 2014 Advent, 6720 Szeged Dugonits square
Sunset at Lake Feher near Szeged Hungary
Restaurants in Szeged
You will recognize that many restaurants they call Halaszcsarda (fishing restaurant) this doesn’t necessarily mean you only can eat fish there. In this region of Hungary eating fish is more popular the most other parts. The usual fish meals in Hungary is a fish soup (halaszle) which is a paprika-onion based usual Hungarian-style dish from different kinds of fishes, other very nice fish is sullo or fogas(walleye) here grilled or fried with lemon is quite tasty. Other usual popular fish meal in Hungary is the small fishes (keszeg) fried in paprika flour. Cheaper fishes of Hungary like catfish and other fishes under this price category (carp and other species) is a matter of taste if you like it or not.
Tiszavirag BistroAddress: 6722 Szeged, Hajnoczy u 1/B. John bull pubAddress: 6727 Sz, Oroszlan u. 6 BistorantAddress: 6727 Sz, Oroszlan u 8. Oreg Korossy halaszcsardaAddress: 6723 Sz, Sárga üdülőtelep 262 Kiskorosy restaurantAddress: 6727 Sz, Felso Tisza part 336. |
Feherto halaszcsarda
Hungarian cuisine
I though if you interested I give some tips for Hungarian dishes. Most Hungarian dish are not an easy meal like salads, or fish. Most Hungarian meal is based on paprika-onion combination later added some meat to this.
Remember Szeged is the homeland of the best paprika in Hungary, if you interested Mako is where the best onion you can get, also not far. The Goulash is originally a soup, not a stew, it was made by herdsmen who involved in nomadic shepherding, and make this meal for themself at campfire from beef. There is a stew version of it, which called porkolt (Pörkölt).
Hungarian usually eat porkolt with nokedli, which is an in-situ made pasta from flour and eggs boiled in water afterwards. They also eat this stew with normal pasta as well. There are two other types of soup which is also interesting, the Jokai bean soup(Jokai was a famous Hungarian writer lived between 1825-1904) and Babgulyas (Bean stew) it is still not a stew, but a thicker meal can be a main course normally.
There are other bean soup which they don’ call Gulash theses soups are not main courses just before your meal. Babgulyas is best with some sour cream from milk called Tejfol(tejföl) in Hungarian. To make you even more informed restaurants likes to trick with the Gulash soup thing.
Some soups they made are just for collecting money, but reality they made from some water and pre-made stuff without properly cooking it. Such stuff I usually like to omit totally. So before you order it is good to ask if the Goulash soup is a main course or not. If they said no, then sometimes better to eat something else.
The proper Goulash is well made, but there are many differences how they made it overall the country, some of them are awful with many fat in it, others are like a charm. In better restaurants you usually get the better ones, or at least they tell you what you going to get. There are some very interesting Hungarian cakes as well, some of them can be incredibly good, but perhaps not the best if you are on a diet:
-Somloi (Somlói) galuska
-Feketeerdo torta
-Ekler fank
-Francia kremes
And other sweets like can be also increasingly popular.
Confectionaries in Szeged
A Capella confectionery and cafe houseAddress: 6720 Szeged, Karasz u 6. Dom confectioneryAddress: 6722 Sz, Oskola u 18. Palank confectironeryAddress: 6727 Sz, Oskola u 1. |
Hotels in Szeged
Hunguest Hotel ForrasLocation: Szeged, Szent-Györgyi A. u. 16-24. Dom HotelLocation: Sz, Bajza u 6. Matrix HotelLocation: Sz, Zarda u 8. Hotel KoronaLocation: Sz, Petofi S sugarut 4. Art hotelLocation: Sz, Somogyi u 16. |
Tisza HotelLocation: Szeged, Széchenyi tér 3. Hotel BellaLocation: Sz, Pacsirta u 31. City hotelLocation: Sz, Arany J u 5. |
Things to do and see nearby
Morahalom spa is not far from Szeged, Morahalom is a small settlement west from Szeged, the spa is a very family and kid friendly place, this is why lots of people likes it, Near the village, some wery nice salty Lake area can be found with lots of waterbirds, even some of the very rare species. Lake Feher is also a very nice place North from Szeged, here five fishing lake can be find next to each other and there is a very nice restaurant too, see more information above, Oroshaza – Gyoparosfurdo spa is also not very far, approximately 50 km from Szeged in North direction. Little bit farer(112 km) Gyula is one of the most popular Spa city in Hungary. Gyula has a very nice, friendly, peaceful atmoshphere, a huge thermal bath and a Castle with brick walls.
Interesting targets in Hungary at the links below
Miskolctapolca cave bath
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