Interesting facts about Hungary
Interesting facts about Hungary
Interesting facts about Hungary
The two biggest rivers of Hungary are the River Danube and river Tisza. The River Danube highest level was in last year at Budapest, when the water level is almost reached the level of the bridges, see below.
At River Tisza the story is quite different. The River Tisza easily flood roads and sometimes building as well in Hungary. The local people and the army lots of times brings sand filled bags to stop the river to flood homes or asphalt covered roads.
High buildings – Interesting facts about Hungary
The Hungarians invaded the area of the country around 896 AD. Most high buildings was built for the Millenium, and is 96m high. The St Stephen cathedral, the Parliament building and all other high buildings in Budapest are 96m high. Apart from the temple buildings, and TV towers not many high buildings can be found in the country, especially residential buildings. The few exception are the Pecs residential building, which is 84m high, and uninhabited since 1989, and a 24 level residential building in Szolnok, which is 81m high, which is the current highest residential building in the country. In Debrecen are also has one 75m high tower building, and there are several smaller ones in Budapest, and here and there around the country.
Population – Interesting facts about Hungary
Hungary has approximately 10,000,000 inhabitants. The biggest city is Budapest with 1,7 million people, the second biggest is Debrecen with 208,000. The smallest is Iborfia with 9 people. There are many other villages under 100 people of population.
Lovely villages
There are many lovely villages in Hungary. Holloko village is a Unesco World Heritage site, the only one of this kind. See beautiful villages of Hungary below.
Most beautiful villages in Hungary
Thermal water
Hungary is extremely rich in thermal waters. Lots of spas can be found in Hungary almost everywhere. Around 200 thermal baths can be found in Hungary. This means in average there is a thermal bath in every 27km in Hungary. Somewhere it is more, somewhere it is less, depend on the location.See more about Spas here
National parks – Interesting facts about Hungary
Hungary is rich in natural values, the country’s area is divided into 10 National parks. Hortobagy is a unique national park in Hungary, and was the first founded in 1973. Here the shepperds still live in the wild with Hungary’s famous Grey cattle. It’s plain area is 80,000 hectare. The Hortobagy has a surprisingly rich wildlife. See more about Hortobagy here
In Hungary can be found the biggest floodforest in Europe, the Gemenc forest. There are many stories about politicans hunting there, which was always popular. One of stories, I don’t know it is true or not, that one president is supposed to come to Hungary, and they asked him, what he wants to hunt for. He said he want to shoot bear. The Hungarians thought no bear here, what to do? They find a bear from the Great circus in the City park. They transport the bear to the Forest and wait for the guest to arrive. They started to hunt, next to ruined building when a postman arrives to the house with the mail. After what they see in the telescope of the shotgun? A bear come out of nowhere and left the place on the Bicycle !
There are many huge and interesting caves in Hungary. There is even a cave spa in Miskolctapolca. There is a cave lake as well in Tapolca not far from Lake Balaton. The two longest cave is the Palvolgyi cave in Budapest and Aggtelek cave in the North part of the country. The Aggtelek Cave system is part of the Unesco World Heritage sites.