Lake Ferto Neusiedler see
Lake Ferto Neusiedler see
Lake Ferto Neusiedler see
Introduction – Lake Ferto Neusiedler see
The Lake Ferto/Neusiedler see is a shallow water lake/swamp in the Austrian/Hungarian border. The area is listed at Unesco World Heritage sites. The total area of the Lake is 307 km2, but this data is not so sure. The area of the Lake is changing and many datas are available in the internet. The total size of the area is 747 km2. What is more obvious that approximately 60-70 percent of the area belongs to Austria and the smaller area belongs to Hungary.
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About the Lake – Lake Ferto Neusiedler see
The Lake’s average water depth is approximately 0,5m. The water contains lots of salt, the mud considered to be beneficial for health problems. Most areas are covered with reeds. The Austrian parts are not so covered with reeds like the Hungarian parts where approximately 70-80% are reed covered. Asphalt covered bicycle road goes around the Lake.
Natural values – Lake Ferto Neusiedler see
The area is part of the joint Neusiedler see Seewinkel(founded in 1992) and Ferto Hansag(founded in 1991) National park, and has a very rich flora and fauna. The area is also part of the Ramsar wetlands agreement. Lots of birds can be found here at migration and other times as well, totally more than 340 species can be seen here. Some of the interesting species here are the avocet, black winged stilt, white tailed eagle, bearded tit, all kinds of shorebirds, blue throat, moustached warbler and others. There are a visitor center at the North border of Illmitz, at Fertoujlak, and near Sarrod as well called Kocsagvar, Ontesmajor and the Esterhazy birdwatching station between Osli and Bosarkany. Apart from the Lake there are other protected areas as well as shallow salty lakes. areas next to Repce river and Csaford forest.
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Winemaking – Lake Ferto – Neusiedler see
The area is an important winemaking area as well. The special micro climate helps to wine growing.
Interesting places around the Lake – Lake Ferto – Neusiedler see
Sopron is one of the most interesting tourist target in Hungary and it is not far from the Lake Ferto. Sopron is a middle sized city with little bit more than 60,000 inhabitants, interesting natural surrounding, very good quality restaurants, lots of museums, some interesting Castles and buildings. Sopron is one of the top tourist targets in Hungary.
Fertod is a relatively small settlement in the Lake Ferto area. Fertod is famous about the Esterhazy family and the famous Baroque Castle of the Esterhazy family. Joseph Haydn lived 20 years in Fertod. The Fertod Castle is one of the two biggest baroque Castle in Hungary. The Castle has 126 rooms, the upstairs hall and the connected music hall was the main room here.
Eisenstadt is an interesting place near lake Ferto with a huge Festetich Castle.
Spas nearby
In Hegyko a thermal spa can be found.