Fishing in Hungary
Fishing in Hungary
Fishing in Hungary
Fishing is a very popular activity in Hungary. In an approximately 10 million people country, there are approximately 330 000 registered fishermen and fisher women. This is very well reflects that Hungary is usually very successful in the Fishing World Championships. The country has a very good natural capability for fishing, Hungary situated between the surrounding hills in the Carpathian basin, with lots of small and several big lakes, and two relatively big, and several smaller rivers. The biggest lake is the Lake Balaton with it’s approximately 595 km2 area. Lake Tisza and Lake Velencei is also very popular. See separate articles about Lake Tisza and Lake Velencei in Main menu. Lots of backwaters and influents are also popular fishing waters in Hungary.
Fishing lakes and rivers – Fishing in Hungary
Hungary is rich in fishing waters. Hungary has two big rivers the Danube and the Tisza both of which is an excellent condition. Mayflies accur in Danube river as well since 2012, after 40 years. It is possible to catch fish even in the Danube at Budapest. Most popular lakes and rivers: Soroksari Danube branch which starts at Budapest and end at Rackeve (53 km long). This in reality more like the Lake than a river. Lots of huge fish caught here. Carps of more than 20kg, grass carp of the same or bigger size. The best sections are not at Budapest, more than the other end, which was a legendary place in past.
Biggest lakes:
Lake Balaton: 595 km2, little bit tricky place for fishing because of the shallow water.
Lake Velence: good fishing spot at the same direction as Lake Balaton. 26km2. In summer the South side almost continuously is a bath/beach area, but good for fishing at night for example when the temperature is better as well.
LakeFerto: only 1/3 area belongs to Hungary, it is very shallow salty lake.
Lake Tisza: 127km2 an excellent place with huge fishes. An exotic place with wonderful natural surrounding, at Northeast Hungary. See more information in general in the main menu.
Biggest fishes caught in Hungary – Fishing in Hungary
There are many huge fishes caught in Hungary. The biggest fish is catfish in Hungary. The most usual fish is carp. Many private lakes are full with carps. Smaller and bigger private lakes can be found almost everywhere in the country.
Catfish – 96kg
Carp: 25kg
Grass carp 30kg
Pike around 20kg
Walleye around 15kg
Permits – Fishing in Hungary
The Hungarian system for fishing is the following: One intend to fish first has to get a Country license, after license for a given area. Lots of private lakes perhaps only needed a daily fee (usually between 1500-5000 Huf/5-15 EUR), perhaps somewhere they ask for a Country license as well(needed according to recent law).
The Country ticket are usually valid for 1 year and costs app 1000 HUF (3 EUR). Usually before payment, an exam must be accomplished. For foreign fishers their own country ticket is enough before pay the 1000 HUF. The country ticket can be bought almost anywhere where they selling the regional tickets. (Usually guardhouses next to lakes, fishing shops, and fishing societys.) The regional permits are valid as noted, usually for 1 year. The country is divided 14 fishing regions.
The national association issues some whole country tickets as well, but this cannot be used anywhere (mainly bigger natural waters, part of the Danube and Tisza, and most fisher used waters, and an extended one with Balaton included), and only for 1 year period.
General rules for fishing – Fishing in Hungary
General rules: Varies area by area, maximum 2 rods can be used at the same time, there are protected periods, when fishing is prohibited. The bigger fishes has a limitation: fishes smaller than certain size must be let go. This is different species by species, usually between 30 (carp) and 50cm (catfish). The measurement must made from the beginning of the nose to the beginning of the peak fin. In private lakes usually must pay for the fish separately from the ticket.
Some places different kind of fishing can be prohibited, because of the size of the water, or the number of fishermen.