Danube bend Hungary
Danube bend Hungary
Danube bend Hungary
The view of the Danube from the Visegrad Castle
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Where is it ?
The Danube bend is the area next to the Danube between Esztergom and Budapest. Here the Danube flows between Börzsöny hills (North) and Visegrád hills (South-west). The area is a popular tourist target in Hungary. The shape of the 90 degree bend is quite obvious on the map, but the area is little more than this bend.
The area is quite diverse: here can be find hills up to almost 1000m heights, rivers, plain areas, forests, caves, huge and smaller islands as well. From a historical aspect the area have always been a favourite place of former Governors, has been a location of meetings of Kings, or nowadays Prime ministers. In Esztergom there is a 100m height Cathedral, in Visegrád a Castle of former King Mathias can be found. At the West side of the Danube the three most visited cities are Szentendre, Visegrád, and Esztergom. At East – North side are smaller villages/cities can be found with lovely atmosphere, and yes there is a life in between where the Szentendrei island with 5 smaller villages, and other islands also can be found.
Popular places to visit
This places are among the finest and most popular places in Hungary. They are rich in historical, cultural and natural values as well.
1. Visegrad
is one of the finest place in Hungary. Several castles and fortresses with picturesque view on the Danube(see the upper picture), beautiful forests, fountains can be found here.
See more about Visegrad here Visegrad
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2. Szentendre
is a city of painters it is located approximately 20km from Budapest, with narrow streets, a village museum, restaurants next to the Danube.
See more about Szentendre here Szentendre
3. Esztergom
is also a beautiful city with a 100m high Cathedral, nice restaurants, islands, a new bridge towards Slovakia can be found here. Read more about Esztergom here
4. Vac
is also a nice town next to the Danube with a beautiful square, historical buildings, monuments.
5. Zebegeny and other Northern Cities
Zebegeny and the neighboring cities and villages has a unique atmosphere, they are more quiet at the foot of the Borzsony hills. At Kismaros a nice fish restaurant can be found.
Water sports, Ski, Bicycling and Mountain hiking
Above mentioned sport activities are the most popular in the Danube bend area. At Pilis hills at Dobogoko a ski resort can be found. Asphalt covered Bicycle road goes along the Danube from Budapest.
Natural values
The Danube bend area has significant natural values, several protected areas can be found in the area in both sides of the river Danube. Some very rare species can be found in this unique area.
Other curiosities
Pilis hills has a cristal clear air. Here a village can be found.
Pictures of Danube bend Hungary