Fishing lakes around Budapest
Fishing lakes around Budapest, and other fishing possibilities around Budapest
Fishing lakes around Budapest
The options around Budapest for Fishing:
There are lots of possible lakes, waters even in Budapest
-Danube at Budapest sometimes surprisingly good for river fishes, different fishing permit needed for different areas
-Soroksári Danube branch – 57km long with islands 50-60m wide very popular, hard to catch a fish at the Budapest area
-Hazireti reservoir 26Ha before Pilisvorosvar a nice very popular lake, but not the cheapest, North from Budapest next to road No10
-Pilisvorosvar gravel lakes
-Csepel island gravel pits not all of them a fishing lake
-South from Budapest lots of former gravel pits can be found for fishing purposes lots of lakes in Dunaharaszti, Alsonemedi, Bugyi, Taksony,Dunavarsany, -Delegyhaza area for example Moby dick, Szavanna lake, Farmer lake, Csali lake, Petofi lake, Kek lake
-Naplas lake next to XVIth and XVIIth district, little abandoned naturally protected area
-Koerberek lake next to Residential area next to Road 7 at South buda
-Dunakeszi gravel lake
-Lakes at Szodliget, Vacliget
-Biatorbagy lake very nice lake with significant natural values
-Balazs lake a smaller lake (1 Ha) in the XVIIIth district
-Omszk lake in North Buda wakeboard is happen at the lake fishing at certain areas
-Lupa lakes other side of the road as the Omszk lake, usually lots of people use as a beach but as I know officially not allowed
-Pilisszentivan gravel lake
-Ecser fishing lake
-Kiskunlachaza Preri lake
-Domsod Preri lake on Csepel island
-Danube-Tisza connecting canal
Lakes with stonger turistical values and lots of bathing people
-Velencei lake 50km from Budapest 25 km2
-Balaton 120km 595 km2
Usual rules: There are three kinds of fishing waters:
1. Private lakes
2. Fishing lakes for official fishermen who works with a net or drain off the lake
3. Other usual area as Danube, Balaton, other rivers or areas belong to national autority
How to get a permit? The most easy the category 1. Most of them only need a National yearly ticket (costs 2250 HUF together with a fishing diary) and a daily ticket can be bought at the given lake at the small wooden house or guardhouse.
Where to get the National Yearly ticket:
At several places for example at Nagybudapesti Fishing Association at 1111 Budapest, Lágymányosi utca 14. see map below. They open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 15:30 o’clock. Here also can have daily tickets for several waters as Danube, Balaton, Lake Tisza, several rivers and backwaters, canals, etc. If there is a fishing permit from another country perhaps needs to bring and show.
2.nd category also need the yearly National ticket, sometimes also can have a ticket from the owner, or forbidden to fish there.
3.rd category needed a yearly national ticket, and an areal ticket or daily ticket to be able to fish.
For the category 1. the rules are varying between the lakes: Somewhere the ticket contains several fish can be bought home, somewhere need to pay extra/kg for every fish we catch and wants to bring home, somewhere they want the fishers to buy the caught fish even they don’t want to bring home.
The usual fee:1000-5000 HUf/day depends on how much fish included/excluded and what service provided. This doesn’t include the fee of the National yearly ticket see above.
Opening hours: somewhere until 18:00, somewhere all day, somewhere two tickets: one for day, one for night fishing.
Usual fishes: Mostly Carp, Crucian, and smaller fishes somewhere Amur, Pike, Walleye, Catfish
Possible style of fishing: lots of places spinning is forbidden, somewhere only floating style is allowed, mostly everywhere is feeder or bottom fishing is the default style.
How many rods usable: usually for 1 daily ticket for 1 person is two rods usable, perhaps somewhere only 1.
Where to buy baits ? usually basic baits at private lakes can be bought at site, everything that is needed, except for very special kinds of things. Perhaps rods and reels cannot buy there. If you need some equipment check the fishing shops here