Heviz spa Hungary
in Hungarian Hévíz
Heviz located at the Western part of Lake Balaton at North side not far from the Lake. Heviz is located approximately 200km from Budapest in Southwest direction.
About Heviz:
Heviz one of the most popular city in Hungary, it is second most popular target after Budapest. Approximately 1 million people spend a night here every year. Hévíz is situated at Northwest side of the Lake Balaton several kilometers from the Lake. In Heviz a unique hot water lake can be found, which is the biggest attraction here. The city itself is very well organized, tidy, tourist friendly settlement with beautiful houses, gardens, buildings and roads.
There are many quality wellness hotel can be find in the City provided with the same thermal water. Heviz is a top target for local and international tourism as well in Hungary. Many people also bought a resort here, not just from Hungary.
About the Lake:
The first wooden bath houses has been constructed here in 1772. The hot water coming from the Cave below the Lake, the Lake is 38m deep. The area of the Lake itself is approximately 4,5 hectare.
The Lake is one of the biggest on the Earth of this kind. Several types of water lilies can be find in the Lake, one of them is an Indian red type which was planted by Sandor Lovassy. The water temperature is 36-38 degree Celsius in Summer, 26-28 degree Celsius in Winter and in Autumn. This means that in summer the Lake is too hot for swimming, and perhaps for longer stay in general. In winter the temperature is much better for bathing.
To bath in the lake a daily ticket is needed. Because of the depth of the lake, one usually get a swimbelt as well.
There are a 50 Hectare protecting forest can be found around the Lake, which helps to keep the temperature unified as well. The water of the Lake contains Calzium, Magnesium, Bicarbonate, Sulfate, Radon and organic compounds. The system of the Lake is monitored in every hour since 1990. The water from the Lake is going the Lake Balaton through the Zala river through the Kis Balaton nature reserve.
Heviz events, festivals
Organized bicycle Tour 2nd of February 11:00 2015
Heviz Farmer’s market 3rd of February 2015 healthy food, honey, sausage, hand made products it is usually held behind the big parking area
Fashion show in the Hunguest Hotel Helios 3rd of February 2015
Heviz Farmer’s market 5th of February 2015
Dance and Music in multiple locations (big parking Falvius dance club, and in several Hotels) 7th of February 2015
Ice Disco 7th of February 2015
Handcraft exhibition 11th of February 2015
Heviz Farmer’s market 12th of February 2015
Valentine day ball 14th of February 2015
IV Wine festival Heviz 19-23rd August 2015
17th of December, 2014 Handcraft exhibition – Location Hunguest Hotels Helios ( Vorosmarty str. 91. ) a Hunguest Hotels Panoráma ( Petofi str. 9. )
17th of December, 2014 Organized bike tour, usual targets Rezi (Castle ruin in the forest) Kis Balaton (Little Balaton nature reserve at he South from Lake Balaton), Szigliget (Bigger Castle ruin next to Lake Balaton, very nice place)
information: Heviz tourinform
Canoe tour on Heviz Spring 21th of February 2015
20th of December, 2014 from 07-13:00 Heviz Farmers Market
20th of December, 2014 Canoe tour at Heviz spring organized by Tourinform
21th of December, 2014 Night with music, in the following hotels: Naturmed Hotel Carbona, Hunguest Hotel Helios, Hunguest Hotel Panorama
22th of December, 2014 Fashion show on Mondays Hunguest Hotel Panorama
23th of December, 2014 Fashion show on Tuesdays Hunguest Hotel Helios
24th of December, 2014 Advent sunday
24th of December, 2014 Organized bike tour, usual targets Rezi (Castle ruin in the forest) Kis Balaton (Little Balaton nature reserve at he South from Lake Balaton), Szigliget (Bigger Castle ruin next to Lake Balaton, very nice place)
information: Heviz tourinform
27th of December, 2014 from 07-13:00 Heviz Farmers Market
Heviz restaurantsWe try to collect the best ones. Romai pinceLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Dombföldi str. 2023/1 Gizi neni csardajaLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Kodaly Zoltan str. 60. Öreg harang borozó (Old bell tavern)Location: 8380 Hévíz, 2830 Macchiato cafeLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Szechenyi str. 7. |
Magyar csardaLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Tavirozsa str 2. Malomkerék restaurantLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Kölcsey Ferenc str 4. Kocsi csardaLocation: 8380 Hévíz, autoparkolo |
Things to do and see nearby
Lake Balaton is the most obvious target, but the beach season in Summer at Lake Balaton, perhaps many people visit the city in winter because of the hot water lake, but still even in winter the Lake is very interesting, Keszthely Festetics Castle, Puppet museum, Torture museum, Alsopahok resort, Bird ringing station in Fenekpuszta, Szigliget Castle ruin, Badacsony wine cellars, Little Balaton nature reserve, Balatonederics Africa museum, Sumeg castle ruin, Spa at Kehidakustány and Zalakaros, Stupa and Water mill museum in Zalaszanto, Castle hotel at Zalacsany.
Heviz Hotels
Because Heviz is extremely popular, lots of Hotels are available here for the visiting tourists. Compare to other locations in Hungary it is not a cheap city.
Naturmed Hotel CarbonaLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Attila str 1 Hunguest Hotel PanoramaLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Petofi str 9. Hotel PalaceLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Rakoczi str 1. Europa fitLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Jókai str 3. Aquamarin hotelLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Honvéd str 14. |
Lotus Therme Hotel & SpaLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Lótuszvirág str. 1 Danubius Health Spa ResortLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Kossuth Lajos str. 9 – 11 Hotel spa HevizLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Schulhof Vilmos setany 1. Hotel SanteLocation: 8380 Hévíz, Nyirfa str 1. |
Interesting things about Heviz:
People lived here even in the ancient Roman age.
The water of the lake is continuously flowing in several directions.
The water of the Heviz lake is changing every 72 hour totally. The water of the lake contains lots of mineral and gas content as well. It has many minerals in it, almost the full spectrum of minerals available in a mineral water in Hungary. It contains soda, magnezium, calzium, radium, carbohydrate, sulfate, bromid and iodide as well. The total absorbed content is app 750 mg/l.
Useful informations Heviz:
Useful phone numbers
Emergency: 112 must a wait a little, all other
numbers below can connect from here
Police: 107
Fire brigade: 105
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