Hungary weather forecast
Hungary weather forecast
If you plan to visit the country it can be very useful to understand the actual weather situation. At below links you can find 3 different forecasts, which shows the actual situation by cities.
Usually you see a week regarding weather situation like rain, wind, maximum and minimum projected temperature for the day and the night, etc.
Some places they guessing the amount of rain, or the wind speed as well, but don’t think it too seriously about it. According to my experience, many cases the actual situation quite different, but at least you have a starting point. The trends, for example if it rains or not are usually correctly projected. Nowadays in Hungary most rain falls in Winter Spring season, most summers are usually not rainy. Snow and ice is quite rare even in winter. Some minuses in Celsius in winter nights can be expected.
See the Weather forecast at below links (red)
Official website of the National Meteorology Company
Weather forecast for Hungary on weather forecast
Here you can check even pictures how the storm is going forward, or where rains exactly at a given time. Hungarian readers send in pictures about weather situations frequently.
Weather forecast for Hungary on weather forecast
Weather forecast for Hungary on
The default setting is Budapest for all of them, but can change locations usually.