Why is Lake Balaton famous
Why is Lake Balaton famous
Why is Lake Balaton famous
It is an interesting question. I thought to give some insight in this one.
1. Why is Lake Balaton famous – Lake Balaton is somehow connected to Hungarian history
as the Lake Balaton is quite old, all famous Hungarian, and many famous people from other countries as well (e.g Pablo Neruda) spend their time here, as it is the primary resort area in Hungary. Most Hungarians spend their holiday here if they don’t travel abroad. Here was held the famous Anna ball in Balatonfured in 1825. Szentgyorgyi Horvath Fulop Janos organised it for the honour of his daughter Anna-Krisztina. The girl was found his fiancé Erno Kiss at the first Ball, who after was one the thirteen Martyr generals of the Hungarian revolution executed in Arad in 1849. Lajos Kossuth and Istvan Szechenyi key figures of Hungarian history was often spend their times at the Balaton as well. Kalman Kittenberger the famous Africa hunter also liked Balaton and Dr Endre Nagy as well who started the Africa museum in Balatonederics external area. Istvan Bujtor the famous hungarian actor and theatre director also liked Balaton very well. He was a several times regatta winner, and the famous Blue ribbon regatta of Lake Balaton is part some of his films. He was a son of Gundel Katalin, the daughter of the famous hungarian Restaurant owner Karoly Gundel. Katalin has three sons, all of the three was very famous in Hungary. Her first son was perhaps the most famous actor in Hungary – Zoltan Latinovics from the first marriage of Katalin. After his husband left her, and he married the father of her two other sons, Istvan, and Karoly who is a famous rock musician in Hungary. Katalin lived 100 years.
2.Why is Lake Balaton famous – It is the largest Lake in central Europe
it’s area is almost 600 km2, the lake is 77km long. Average depth of the Lake is 2-3m. The Southern shore is more shallow. The lake of this size offer tremendous possibilites for any water sports, relaxation and fun activities. What is good in this area that people in great harmony with the nature. Most of the places are not crowded even in main season : July-August. Compare to other Lakes in the World Lake Balaton is not huge: there are much bigger lakes in Africa, America or Asia. In Central Europe it is the biggest, not so much bigger (14 km2) than the Lake Geneva or Lac Léman, but in Lake Geneva has much more water in it, because it is much deeper.
3. Why is Lake Balaton famous – The Lake Balaton has significant natural values:
the Lake Balaton has abundant wildlife and the surrounding areas has lots of natural values as well: Volcanic structures and volcanic hills, the Little Balaton nature reserve, Tihany peninsula forests are unique values of Hungary. The little egret can be seen at above picture was fishing among the bathing people at the shore.
4. Why is Lake Balaton famous – The Lake shore area and some places near is one of important wine regions in Hungary.
Hungary has 22 wine regions, out of this 22, 15 can be found in Transdanubia. The total of the 5200 hectare wine-growing area is part of the Balaton uplands national park area. The total grape-covered area is 1508 Hectare. The “bigger” wine area is in the North shore Middle and Westwards, but there is a wine area at the South shore as well.
5.The area has very interesting buildings:
The Keszthely Festetics Castle, the 1050 year old Tihany monastery, the Szigliget fortress are all unique cultural values of Hungary. In Festetics castle night music concerts can be heard even at night.
6. In Heviz a uniqe hot water lake can be found
near Lake Balaton has a unique natural 4,44 hectare hot water Lake, one of the biggest in the Whole World. The water comes from two wells 38m below the Lake with 10% cold water and 90% hot water. The water temperature is 26-28 degree Celsius even in winter.
7. Before 1989 the Eastern Germans can meet here with Western Germans before the demolition of the Berlin wall
Balaton was a popular place for Hungarians, and Eastern Bloc people including Eastern Germans, and Western Germans also can come here, so this place was a good meeting place for separated families by the Berlin wall, as some films are also shows it.