Csesznek Hungary
Csesznek Hungary
Csesznek is located in the Bakony hills region in a middle of a huge green area. The Bakony hills can be found North from Lake Balaton in Transdanubia. Csesznek is most known about the Castle / Fortress on a hill. Csesznek is a small settlement, with not many guesthouses in it.
Csesznek látnivalók
Csesznek is located in the heart of the Bakony hills region. The most beautiful places are located here – in Csesznek, Fenyofo, Bakonybel area. This is the so called high Bakony, with ancient forests, and huge green areas. Csesznek is most known about the Castle ruin, and most hiking tours starts here.
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This area most recommended for nature lovers and hikers, but for them it is quite an interesting area.
Csesznek attractions
Cseszneki vár
The Castle is one of the main attraction of Csesznek. It was built in the 13th century after the Tatarian invasion (1241-1242). The neighborhood of the Castle at that time was rich both in wildlife and in natural beauty like now, because of this the owners were the richest nobles in Hungary.
The first Castle was built by Baron Jacob, who was a Sword carrying master, later Csák family become the
Owner, later Anjou Karoly, Zsigmond of Luxemburg, the Garay family, later the famous Eszterhazy family, who rebuild the stone Stronghold to a Baroque Castle and used that way. During the Turkish invasion it was used as a stronghold, the very advantageously located building. Lorinc Wathay who defended the Castle later died during an incident. He wanted to fire an old Cannon when he was drunk in 1571, which finally exploded, and he died as well, together with his friend who wanted to stop him. Eszterhazy family sold the Castle in 1780, which later was burnt and there was an earthquake as well. Archeologist worked on the Castle since the 1970’s.
Some entrance fee must be payed before enter the Castle.
The little curious Red Fox on the picture we found next to the asphalt road between Csesznek and Bakonybel. He was very curious when we first saw him after we went back with the car and he again comes out of the forest, this is when I took the photo. This was not the only red fox in the area, there was an other near to Csesznek as well, which we can observer from a hunter’s hide. This was an interesting adventure.
A környék rendkívül kellemes a természetre áhítozóknak. Tavasszal amerre ellátni mindenütt zöld területek virítanak, ez az ország egyik legértékesebb természeti területe. Pár napos ott tartózkodásunk alatt rengeteg vadat láttunk, rókákat, szarvasokat, különféle madarakat. Környékbeli erdőkben is lehet néha romantikus romokra bukkanni. A környékbeli települések kicsik, hangulatosak és csendesek. Zirc az egyetlen kissé nagyobb település a környéken. Az erdőken vadásznak is, ezért nem árt figyelni a különböző jelzéseket.
Az erdők közötti tisztásokon könnyebben lehet megfigyelni az élővilágot.
Éjszaka érdemes vigyázni, nemcsak a vadászok miatt, hanem mi például a főúton majdnem nekimentünk egy nagyobb méretű szarvastehénnek.
Via Ferrata Csesznek
Mi is a Via Ferrata (vagy Klettersteig ) ? A Via ferrata egy különböző kapaszkodó elemekkel kiépített mászó útvonal, általában lélegzetelállító magasságokban és meredek szirteken. Ha az eredeti olasz hangzású elnevezést fordítom, vasból készült út.
Horse riding
There is a possibility for horse riding as well.
Cseszneki várjátékok
Jelenleg (2015) az Alsó-vár részen felújítás zajlik, ami remélhetőleg jövőre kész lesz.
2016 augusztus 6.
Hétpecsétes vártúrák
Ez a játék alatt az alábbi hét vár pecsétjét kell összegyűjteni:
Csesznek, Csobánc, Nagyvázsony, Somló, Sümeg, Szigliget, és Várpalota. Az összes vár Veszprém megyében található.
Things to do and see in the neighborhood
The walley of the Cuha spring is a very interesting possibility, the most beautiful sections are in the Vinye Porva Csesznek region. In the canyon a small train is also runs in the summer period, otherwise must start and cannot spare the several hour walk. Zirc also worth to look as the capital of the region at with it’s very nice botanical garden.
Pannonhalma sincs nagyon messze innen, ami Unesco Világörökségi helyszín 1995 óta. A fő értéket a kulturális illetve egyháztörténeti értékek jelentik, a könyvtár rendkívül értékes, de van itt borozó és arborétum is. Az itt lakók tradicionálisan foglalkoznak gyógynövényekkel is.
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Apartments in the neighborhood
There are not many apartments nearby, apart from the Erzsebet guesthouse, we stayed there and it was quite a pleasant place.