1. Tarodi castle
The Castle also called by the envious locals as Fool Castle: this is a very interesting castle. The whole castle has been built by Istvan Tarodi who made this castle by his own hands. He was born in 1925 and first started to make wooden castle in the plot of his parents. The wooden castle was 8m tall, and he made it from used wooden material. After he decided if he can manage to have a plot in Lover area of Sopron he rebuilds the wooden castle there. He managed to bought the plot and move the wooden Castle there. After he had several bicycle tours in Hungary (the longest of them was 1500km), with a target to study the middle-age castles. In 1959 he decided to change the wooden castle to a stone castle, and the same year he dug the foundations of the new Castle. There was no plan for the construction only in his head. The total area of the Castle is 10,500m2, the building itself app 2000 m2, the highest tower is 20m high. Istvan had been built stones and bricks enough for approximately 200 wagons. Mostly he had done the work himself from 5 he went to prepare to job for the day after went to work as a painter and after finished his normal work he was there to continue to build the castle until 22:00 he does the work everyday, almost until he died in 2010. Before his retirement, in 1986 he seriously considered to stop the work, but he cannot stopped. The castle was the scene of one famous Hungarian film in the 80’s. The Castle and the surrounding area is unique: In the Castle a well, a knight room, and wine house can be find. In the castle garden some exotic evergreens can be found together with chestnut trees. The castle situated in a beautiful green hillside.
Sopron Csalogany koz 36 (Csalogány köz), Lover(Lővér) area see below.
2. The botanical garden of West Hungarian university.
If you like nature this is a must not miss program here. The garden of the West Hungarian University is huge, like a real botanical garden with lots of vegetation: trees, bushes, flowers, can be found here. The botanical garden is little outside of the inner city, but there are many even outer parts of the city as well. Obviously in Hungary the best period for botanical gardens is the Spring or Early summer: May, June. If you like birds there are some interesting birds here: Kinglets for example, Goldcrest and as Firecrest well. The Goldcrest (regulus regulus) is the smallest bird in Europe, looks like a bouncing walnut on the ground. I didn’t manage to see any of them while we were there, but I heard the very-thin sound several times.
3. City wall
In ancient times in Roman era there was a city here called Scarbantia. The traces of the old city wall is still can be seen here and there. The old settlement situated between two springs. In the Main sqare in a narrow street between Gabrinus and Patika house can be seen a section of the famous Roman Amber road. The Forum was the central part of the city. All roads started from here. In Forum museum and Sopron museum archeological collection can have more information about these things.
4. Loverek
is an interesting green area at Sopron hills. It is actually the name of one part of the city. This hilly area is the Eastest part of the Alps. The whole area is naturally protected, and the area is a nationally qualified health site as well. The area has a nice wildlife as well, beautiful pine and oak trees can be found there, together with chestnut trees which is native there.
5. Karoly viewpoint
is one of the most popular target in Sopron hills, can be accessed on foot, or by car as well. The name is derived from pressman Karoly Romwalter who gathered the money for the construction. Before there was a wooden viewpoint there which needed renovation time to time. He even started a lottery game and theater performances to raise the funds. The new viewpoint was designed by Oszkar Winkler. The height is 23m above the 398m high Varis hill. From the viewpoint the Lake Ferto can be seen together with Kophaza and Nagycenk, even Rax and Scneeberg in clear circumstances.
6. Harrer chocolate factory
If you more than 100 kg forget about it. Not so nice, not so healthy, black. If you thin and no problem with your weight, perhaps you can check it because it is quite nice actually :). Everything is made by hands.
7. Storno house
is one of the most beautiful place in the Sopron inner city. Ferenc Storno started as a chimney sweeper after he become a restorer. The upper level of the two level Baroque house is the museum. The Castle-like house can be found in the Main square. Originally the Storno family is originated in Tessin area, Switzerland. Ferenc Storno was born is Kismarton (now Eisenstadt). He was very talented but his family cannot afford his studies, so he become a chimney sweeper as his father. He arrived in Sopron in 1845. First he worked at an older chimney sweeper after he started to learn arts in Austria, he works even for Prince Lipot. He restaured one of the temple in Sopron and works lots of other places as well.
8. Goat Temple(Kecske templom) in Main square
This temple has different names like Goat Temple, Franciscan temple. The goat name comes from the goat at the Temple’s elevation. The goat was the heraldic animal for Henrik Geisl(means goat) who made the temple built. The temple was built in Gothic style, the internals is in Baroque style.
9. Fire tower (Tuztorony)
The Fire tower is an emblematic place of Sopron, it is 58m high. It was built in the 13th century, but it was burnt later in 1676. The foundation of the tower is quite old, they have found the traces of the North city gate near to the Fire tower.
10. Mining Museum
Sopron, Templom str. 2.
The Mining museum in Sopron is the biggest of it’s kind in Hungary. The museum is in the Esterhazy baroque building. The exhibition shows the thousand year history of Hungarian metal mining. There is a mine section, and all kinds of mining technology included modern technologies as well can be seen here. Subtitles/guides in English, German, and Slovakian languages.
11. Forestry Museum
The Forestry museum can be found in Ersterhazy building in the city center. Everything about forestry: old tools, maps, etc. Hunting exhibition can be found here, and other temporary exhibitions as well.
12. Tomalom/Lover lake bath
This nice lake can be found next to the forest area. In hot summer the water definitely help to overcome heat. It is open from June to September.
Tel:+36 20/221-0525
Outside of season:+36 99/513-423
13. Summer toboggan
Next to road No 84, before the Austrian border. A 750m long summer toboggan track.
14. Lover adventure park