Szentendre Hungary – the city of painters
Szentendre Hungary
Szentendre is situated in the Budapest region, and one of the most popular destination for those who visit Budapest. Budapest suburban railway at Buda side goes to Szentendre as well. It is located in the Danube bend area North from Budapest.
Szentendre history
Szentendre was an important settlement even in Roman times. Ulcisia Castra (Wolf castle) was the name of Szentendre at that times. It was a favourite camp of Marcus Aurelius. Septimius severus, Caracalla and II. Valentinianus also visited here. Later at Hungarian invasion (895-896) nobody lived here.
After prince Kurszan settled here, who come with Árpád, who led the Hungarians here in the 9th century. He renovated the Castle made by the Romans. In the Ottoman era in the 16-17th century almost
nobody lived here.
Later significant amount of Serbians and Dalmatians arrived in the area. First it the settlement was like more of a village and later become a city, officially in 1872.
Formerly Szentendre was mainly an agricultural settlement, but today already houses can be find at the places of former Lands and wineyards. Some museums kept the tradition of the former agricultural way of life. Szentendre is highly popular because of it’s vicinity to the capital Budapest, and because of it’s natural conditions. The city face with the beautiful, 31km long Szentendre island, which starts at Arpad bridge line in Budapest and ends at Kismaros.
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Szentendre is a very nice, picturesque town quite close to Budapest. Szentendre is situated at the Danube bank at the bottom of Pilis hills. Szentendre has a Beautiful Danube bank, nice narrow cobblestone covered streets, good restaurants, beautiful temples and nice mediterranean atmosphere. A village museum also can be found here. Szentendre is a popular place among Hungarian and foreign tourists as well. A bicycle road goes along the Danube from Budapest.
Szentendre is an ideal place for example for a rendez-vous. At South part of the city a beautiful small area can be found with big trees, small forest at the Danube bank. A real forest at a relatively small area next to the Danube river. A small playground also can be found here.
Szentendre is very popular among painters. A group of Hungarian painters named after the city. People who is familiar with Hungarian painters perhaps heard the names of: Banati Sverak Jozsef, Banovszky Miklos, Barcsay Jeno, Czobel Bela, Korniss Dezso, Paizs Goebel Jeno, Vajda Lajos just to name a few. Szentendre is a safe bet for tourists and (vendors alike as I think.) Szentendre has a unique Open Air Ethnographical museum (Skanzen), where they present how the people lived here several decades, or a century ago.
How to get there ?
Budapest suburb railway at Buda side starting from Batthyanyi square goes until Szentendre (HEV). By car needs to go Northwise from Buda side on road No 11 until we see the table showing the city border. If we come from Pest side from Arpad bridge we should go leftwards up on the structure after right-wise as the road leads. The place where we can access the inner city is can be find right side of the road: there is a restaurant with a hawk on the top. There must turn right, just after the restaurant, park in the right parking, and go by walk along the road, we first find a beautiful small forest, a playground, after right-wise we can find the inner city, next to the Danube bank, with restaurants.
Photos of Szentendre
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Szentendre group of painters
Szentendre was popular among artists. There is a group of painters in Hungary called Szentendre group of painters. The group was formed in 28th of January 1928. Béla Ivanyi Grunwald was elected as President, the vice president is always the Mayor of Szentendre, at that time dr Laszlo Strazsinszky.
The founding members are:
József Bánáti Sverák, Miklós Bánovszky, Henrik Heintz, Ernő Jeges, Béla Onódi
Jenő Paizs Goebel, Lajos Pándy, László Rozgonyi
Today around 200 different artists live in Szentendre.
Museums in Szentendre
Compare to the size of the city Szentendre is heavily packed with museums. Most of the museums are contains paintings and works of other artists works/worked here.
Folklore house
2000 Szentendre, Fő tér 2-5.
Temporary exhibition
Kovács Margit Ceramic Collection
2000 Szentendre, Vastagh György u. 1.
Permanent exhibition
Ferenczy Museum
2000 Szentendre, Fő tér 6.
Permanent Exhibition
Ámos Imre-Anna Margit Museum
2000 Szentendre, Bogdányi u. 10-12.
Permanent Exhibition
Barcsay Collection
2000 Szentendre, Dumtsa Jenő u. 10.
Permanent Exhibition
Czóbel Museum
2000 Szentendre, Templom tér 1.
Permanent Exhibition
Kmetty János Memorial museum – Kerényi Collection
2000 Szentendre, Fő tér 21.
Permanent Exhibition
Doll exhibition of dr. Kovács Jánosné, Marika collection
Roman era stone collection
2000 Szentendre, Dunakanyar krt. 1.
Permanent Exhibition
Szentendrei Paintings gallery
2000 Szentendre, Fő tér 2-5.
Permanent Exhibition
Vajda Lajos Exposition Memorial
2000 Szentendre, Hunyadi u. 1.
Permanent Exhibition
Boromissza Tibor Memorial house
2000. Szentendre, Dunakorzó 4.
Tel: 26/311-364
BKV Public traffic Museum
2000 Szentendre, Dózsa Gy. út 3., HÉV végállomás
Tel: 26/314-280
Caprice International Hungary Kft.
Museum, Jewellery and Diamant center
2000 Szentendre, Dózsa Gy. u. 22.
Tel: 26/302-512, Fax: 26/302-785
free with free, guarded parking
Dobos Sweets Museum
(at the upper level of Nosztalgia Cafe house)
2000 Szentendre, Bogdányi u. 2.
Tel/Fax: 26/311-660
Art mill Art and Cultural center
2000 Szentendre, Bogdányi út 32.
Tel/Fax: 26/301-701
National wine museum
2000 Szentendre, Bogdányi u. 10.
Tel/Fax: 26/317-054
Radio museum
2000 Szentendre Dunakorzó 10
Tel: 26/325-611, 20/9156-854
Open air ethnographical Museum (Skanzen)
2000 Szentendre, Sztaravodai út
Tel: 26/502-500
Fax: 26/502-502
Open air exhibitions
Skanzen Gallery
Ethnographical View collection
Szamos Marcipán Museum Confectionery
2000 Szentendre, Dumtsa Jenő u. 14.
Tel: 26/310-545
Fax: 26/500-165
Szabó Marcipán Museum
2000 Szentendre, Dumtsa Jenő u. 12.
Tel: 26/311-931
Fax: 26/500-16:
Szántó Memorial- and Prayer house
2000 Szentendre, Alkotmány u. 3.
Tel: 30/9322-900
The smallest Synagogue
Serbian Religion Museum
2000 Szentendre, Pátriárka u. 5.
Tel/Fax: 26/312-399